Magic in High Humidity

It seems like I haven’t posted in ages.

When you catch a 10,000 kilometer flight to a different hemisphere, magic takes a new life. Everything changes. The conveniences of modern luxuries, humidity levels, temperatures, and the world of magic – it all changes.

The life of a magician is peculiar. Magic is real, but it’s also the representation of something different than what it portrays. Card mechanics and magicians can’t expect to operate with a deck of cards in Europe the same way they would in a different region of the world. And that’s where I am today.

At the same time, we must distinguish ourselves between a card mechanic and a magician with every performance. It’s a delicate balance that can leave spectators with questions. Sometimes the question of interpretation is as intentional as the murky waters. Other times, it’s a failure on the part of the performer to define their art in the confinements of the shadows.

To clarify the murky interpretation of clean magic performances, we adapt to our surroundings. Preparation for the adaptation occurs during countless years of practice. But still, it’s a process that we must respect. A backpack filled with decks of playing cards doesn’t eliminate the possibility of the necessity to perform with other tools. A deck of cards resonates with most cultures the same. Unfortunately, environmental limitations doesn’t always allow them to be used. Sometimes we must perform powerful magic with a lot less. And that’s the reason for my latest silence in magic.

I’m in a new world. The magic exists more than ever before, but so does the opportunity to align my magic performances with a new tropical environment, humidity, and cultural barriers. The heat of my magic is as prevalent as the heat of the tropical beaches. We both stand to serve a magical experience with an impact that can’t be ignored.